Friday, April 06, 2007

Blog On, Fellow Conspirators

There is a story going around the Internet and email about the differences between the homes of Bush and Gore. One of Bush's homes (don't know if it is his main home or not) is as environmentally friendly as you could hope for and Gore's main home is the opposite of environmentally friendly.
It is the kind of thing that will not be considered news by big media. Neither will Gore's private jet fuel consumption be compared to our paltry car exhaust. But you can bet that if Bush farts you will see headlines of "Bush destroys planet!"
So here's the funny thing – back in the 70’s I got my news from alternative sources because I could not believe the conservative big media machine. 30 some years later I get my news from alternative sources because I can not believe the liberal big media machine.
So as the pendulum swings: what changes and what stays the same?
Anyone read Animal Farm lately? Of course we all know that the revolutionaries adopt the bad qualities of the people that they overthrew. It is a simple lesson: power corrupts.
There is a second lesson - one that would be spelled out more clearly in Animal Farm Revisited or Animal Farm IV. The second lesson is that the community that grows out of the resistance to the corruption of power is where the vibrancy is.
Long live alternative media! Blog on, fellow conspirators!