Monday, May 21, 2007

Sun spots and black holes

This probably looks to you like someone vacationing in Hawaii. In actuality it is, however, the bottom half of a sentient creature contemplating the utter destruction of its species and the planet they rode in on.
But, seriously, what could be as bad as all that? Well, according to Josheem - you remember - the guarder of the Fae Realm - the one with the "fleur-de-lis kabob". According to Josheem we are about to enter a new dimension (did I just hear Rod Serling's voice?). And we are not going to like the journey although if we were able to survive the journey we would enjoy the destination.
So why would I be thinking about the annihilation of our planet when I am in one of the most beautiful places on said planet? Because just before I left on vacation (just after buying the nice comfy sandals that gave me that band aid) Josheem told me that we are soon to be swallowed up in a man made quantum black hole. And ever since I heard about it, all of the articles I seem to be reading, as well as the book I am listening to, seem be about mankind's great adventure into making quantum black holes.
A week spent worrying about the erasure of mankind's past, present and future while looking at volcanic fed vegetation and more water than we could possibly ever use. (By the way, how can we truly consider ourselves at any kind of technological pinnacle when we can't even figure out how to extract pure water out of the ocean inexpensively enough that we couldn't simply irrigate, lets say, the Sahara? Hmmm?)
My wife and I watched my daughter graduate with honors. We wandered through stores and I wondered who the people were who would pay $3,000 for a dress and thanked my lucky stars that I married a woman who gets buyer's remorse before she buys. We rented an umbrella (with money that could have gone toward housing a whole village in Africa) and laid around for at least a couple of hours a day thinking about the end of everything.
And I sculpted! As I mentioned before in these writings, I sculpt just about everywhere I go. The people in Hawaii have wonderfully diverse faces and I learned much about recognizing features. And yet the end of the world weighed heavy on my mind. What could I do? How can we stop the inevitable?
I guess it would be not so bad if it was just the annihilation of the human race. At least then the planet would still be around and there would be the possibility of some creature - from another planet, or dimension or from our planet at a later time - running across our fossilized remains and piecing our history together. Maybe the future creatures would marvel at our art, our music or simply be intrigued by our stubbornness or diversity. Something, anything to keep our memories alive in the universe.
But, to have it all end up with a tiny vacuum cleaner coming by and sucking us up into oblivion, leaving no trace whatever - we were never here. We never existed. ... it was just too horrible to think about! I guess that would explain why there are no aliens waving flags out their in the stars: intelligent species all over the universe get to a spot in their evolution where they discover how to create a black hole and BAM! the universe has one less trouble maker to worry about.
When I arrived home I confronted Josheem and pleaded with her to tell me some way that we might avert our fate. She said "huh?" I said: "you, know, the annihilation of the whole planet in a man made black whole". "Oh, that," she looked a little sheepish, "I was just kidding. Your species goes on for a very long time - although there are times I think they would rather not"
"What??? How could you do that to me?" Josheem simply said "Well, you humans rarely take what we say seriously. You always stubbornly hold on to your hopes and little paradigms of reality... we say things like that all the time and you guys never really hear us. If you are actually going to listen to me you should at least warn me so I can be more careful with my words."
After awhile I calmed down and told her that I was listening and would like to know the truth about the quantum black holes that we seem so bent on creating. And that is when I learned that she was only partly kidding. There are Faeries all over the world saying that the world will end if we create quantum black holes - it is there standard response to the subject.
Even though they know they can't change the course of fustory - (her word for future history) - they still can't help but throw in the jab about the end of the world. Kind of like when we know we have lost an argument and we can't help but mutter under our breath "but I don't have to like it" or "so's your mother" or some other rebellion against the inevitable.
Josheem says that in fustory we develop a tiny quantum black hole that manages to stay intact for a few minutes. After pouring over the results for decades it is generally accepted that the black hole had burrowed a small hole into another dimension. It takes scientists another couple of centuries to burrow through with anything bigger than a few molecules, but once they do, humans soon flood the other dimensions and the Fae Realm is tainted forever.
They don't like that part of fustory but they know it well happen and they know that we will not be able to find which dimension they fled to for many thousands of years. And by then humans are a much less aggressive species so it all works out in the end.
And of course, Josheem doesn't mind me telling you this because she knows (for a fact) that no one takes these blogs seriously. Just as deserve a worry free vacation.